absolute element

Operate & Manage multiple e-commerce platforms on a single system

Manage and process multi-platform orders
Track, control and process multi-platform orders quickly
Easily track and make statistics on delayed and boom orders
Bulk order processing and individual order processing

Revenue reporting, financial control, calculate commission and profit analysis

From revenue reports, statistics and analysis, providing sellers with cross-check reports and multi-platform settlement of orders
Analyze profits to make business decisions
Decentralize sub-accounts for easy operation and control
Commission tool to calculate commission for KOC, BP

Warehouse management, inventory management

Accurately synchronize actual warehouse inventory information across multiple stores
Accurately check inventory on the system with actual inventory in the warehouse
Determine the cause when a difference in goods occurs in the warehouse
Help sellers plan to import goods

Supply Chain Management

Fulfillment & Customer care

Research market trends and plan inventory.
Provide warehousing, packaging and order processing services from 3rd party partners.
Customer care

Our Trustworthy Partners

absolute element absolute element absolute element absolute element